What We Believe

The Bible: We believe the 66 Canonical books of the Bible are the
inerrant Word of God; God-breathed truth to mankind; infallible and fully inspired by God the Holy Spirit; the supreme and final authority in all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) (Isaiah 8:20)

Mankind’s Natural State: We believe that mankind is born in a state of total depravity, with God’s curse for ‘original sin’ upon us. Therefore, because of our total depravity, we cannot save ourselves. Only an act of God’s free grace can save us, by God’s gift of faith to repent and believe in the perfect Atonement Sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the Cross for our sins. (Psalm 51:5) (Ephesians 2:8-9) (Acts 4:12)

God’s Absolute Sovereignty: We believe that God is absolutely
Sovereign in all things pertaining not only to Creation but in the Eternal Salvation of sinners. (Psalm 115:3) (Ephesians 1:11) (John 6:37;40;44)

The Blood of Christ: We believe in the full efficacy and power of the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ - to cleanse and redeem mankind from our sin; the only means by which to fully satisfy the just demands of a Holy Lord God of wrath against sin; and to present repentant sinners as Holy in the sight of the Lord. (Exodus 12:13) (Hebrews 9:12-24) (1 Peter 1:18-25)

The Godhead: We believe in the Trinity and Unity of the Godhead. God exists in three distinct, equal, and Eternal Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. These three Persons are One Eternal Lord God Almighty, there is none other God.
(Genesis 1:1) (Exodus 20:1-11)(1John 5:1-13)

The Deity of Christ Jesus: We believe in the pre-existent, Eternal
Sonship, of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal and Living Word who became flesh in the incarnation, yet at all times remained ‘God of very God’. (John 5:18) (Philippians 2:5-11)

The Person of Christ Jesus: We believe in Christ’s miraculous
conception and Virgin birth; His impeccable Sinless Life; and Atoning Death at the Cross as our Sin-bearer, Substitute, and Saviour - ‘...the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.’ (Isaiah 53:1-12) (John 1:29) (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Christ’s Bodily Resurrection: We believe in Christ’s Bodily
Resurrection from the dead, on the third day after His Crucifixion, by which we are justified in the sight of a thrice Holy Lord God, according to the Holy Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 15:3-23) (2 Corinthians 5:14-15) (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14) (John 11:25-26)

Christ’s Present Intercession: We believe in the present and continual intercession of Christ Jesus, seated at the right hand of God the Father; as our Saviour, Lord, and High Priest. He is thus our ‘...one Mediator...’ between God and man, according the Scriptures. (Psalm 110:1) (1 Timothy 2:5) (Hebrews 7:22-28)

Christ’s Second Coming: We believe in the literal, physical and
personal Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ - to resurrect His ‘born again’, and thus righteous dead; to translate (or rapture, catch away) His Bride, the universal Church and to establish His everlasting Kingdom. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) (John 14:1-3)

A Christ-Rejector’s Hell: We believe in a Christ-rejector’s Hell; a literal place of Eternal punishment created by God to contain the Devil and his angels ‘...which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation...’ (an estate of obedience to God in Heaven).

All those who reject the Salvation offered by God through and in Christ Jesus ALONE, shall go to this terrible place called Hell; until the Judgment Day at God’s Great White Throne, when the Devil, his evil angels, and all Christ-rejectors shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, there to be tormented forever. (Jude 4-6) (Mark 9:42-48) (Psalm 9:16-17) (Revelation 20:)

The Church: We believe that the church - all those who are Spiritually regenerated (‘born again’) by the Spirit of God, though Christ’s ‘...once for all time..’ Atonement Sacrifice at Calvary’s Cross - is a universal church made up of every nation, and colour, within all international territories. Christ makes us ‘members’ of His Church, according to His grace and the Divine Election of God the Father, and He ALONE is the Supreme Head of this Church Body. Our primary allegiance is to Him Alone. Praise His Name! (John 3:3-8)(1 Corinthians 12:12-31) (John 17:)

Church Ordinances: We believe in the ordinances of the Church: The Lord’s Day observance; Believer’s Baptism (i.e total immersion); the Lord’s Table; and in Anointing with oil believers who are ill, according to the practice/teaching clearly set forth in James Chapter 5:13-16.

Anyone seeking to know anything further reference the sincere Christian beliefs of the Ulster/American Christian Fellowship, or if we can encourage or pray for you in any manner, please contact us in Ulster or in America. It will be our delight to try to help you in your faith, love and service to our Saviour and Lord, the risen Christ Jesus. Bless you.