Text: “And this is the record, that God hath given to us Eternal Life, and this Life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath Life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not Life.”
1 John 5:11-12.
Good morning, Christian landowner! Praise God for He has made you a steward of His possessions - “...the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein...” (Psalm 24:1)
Therefore, take heed how you use the land, beloved possessor, God requires good fruit from all parts of His planted vineyard. (Matthew 25:19-21)
Today’s Bible reading focuses on the parable of the vineyard, and the serious Bible student must dig deeply into such parables if the fruits of Truth are to be safely harvested and shared with other truth-seekers.
The Vineyard: (V.1) The vineyard of our parable is, of course, God’s Creation - the Lord Created all, and gave it to mankind in His love for us. We can claim no credit for God’s Creation. (Genesis 2:1-3)
God’s Messengers: (Vs.2-5) Let us cast our minds back through the ages and the pages of the Old Testament history accounts of God and our forefathers; meditate on Moses' ministry; the many God-sent Judges; Samuel’s searching for Godliness among the people; and the faithfulness, foolishness; and renewed steadfastness of that shepherd boy turned king, Jessie’s son, David.
Let us remind ourselves of the prophets, major and minor, yet all mirroring the same scene of God’s faithfulness in sending them to us, and our utterly predictable abuse of the messengers sent. It’s all here depicted in Christ’s parable. Nothing has changed today.
The Beloved Son: (Vs.6-8) What love the Owner/Father had for His labourers, that He would send them his only beloved son to collect from these hirelings the fruits of their reasonable duties. What infinite love indeed! (Romans 12:1-2) (John 3:16-17)
Yet again, mankind revealed only the fruits of Adam’s fall - the total depravity of human nature within us. The Owner’s son was thus slain and cast out of the vineyard. (Hebrews 13:11-13) (Jeremiah 17:9)
The Hirelings Rejected: (V.9) What a vengeance rested in this father’s soul for those who had slain and rejected his only son. The Jewish Nation rejected its Messiah (Jesus Christ) - and thus, Salvation was offered to us, the Gentile Nations of the world. (Acts 28:23-28) (Ephesians 2:11-13)
J.C. Ryle’s Comments:
“Let us be thankful for our mercies, and know the hand from which they come. Let us not be high-minded, but humble, lest we provoke God to take our mercies away. If Israel had peculiar national privileges, so also has England. Let Englishmen mark this well, and take heed, lest that which happened to Israel should happen also to them.
“Let us observe, in the second place, God’s patience and longsuffering towards the Jewish nation. What is their whole history as recorded in the Old Testament, but a long record of repeated provocations and repeated pardons? Over and over again we read of prophets being sent to them, and warnings being delivered, but too often entirely in vain. One servant after another came to the vineyard of Israel, and asked for fruit. One servant after another was “sent away empty” by the Jewish husbandmen, and no fruit borne by the nation to the glory of God. “They mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets.” (2 Chronicles 36:16) Yet hundreds of years passed away before “the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy.” Never was there a people so patiently dealt with as Israel.
“And we too, who dwell in Great Britain, have we no longsuffering of God to be thankful for? Beyond doubt, we have abundant cause to say, that our Lord is patient. He does not deal with us according to our sins, or reward us according to our iniquities. We have often provoked Him to take our candlestick away, and to deal with us as He has dealt with Tyre, and Babylon, and Rome. Yet His longsuffering and lovingkindness continue still.
“Let us beware that we do not presume on His goodness too far. Let us hear in His mercies a loud call to us to bear fruit, and let us strive to abound in that righteousness which alone exalteth a nation. (Proverbs 14:34) Let every family in the land feel its responsibility to God, and then the whole nation will be seen showing forth His praise…
“Prophet after prophet was sent to them in vain. Miracle after miracle was wrought among them, without any lasting effect. The Son of God Himself, the well-beloved, at last came down to them, and was not believed. God Himself was manifest in the flesh, dwelling among them, and “they took Him and killed Him.” There is no truth so little realized and believed as the “desperate wickedness” of the human heart. Let the parable before us this day be always reckoned among the standing proofs of it.” (J.C. Ryle’s Exposition of Mark’s Gospel)
The Hypocrites’ Reaction: (V.12) This parable, as we see, was told to the religious rulers of the day, hypocrites who hated Christ’s truth. Has anything really changed today? When we speak Bible truth, we also shall find ourselves rejected by the unbelieving and the hypocrite. Yet, praise God, the Son stands with us to give Life Eternal indeed - outside the camp of the world – and any place that Christ condescends to dwell is truly Heaven indeed.
Thought: Only God the Spirit can produce Spiritual
fruit in such a carnal and hard Vineyard.
Only Christ Jesus can grant Eternal life and forgiveness of our sins.