Text: “Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone that saith to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven.”
Matthew 7:19-21.
Good morning, fruitful Christian! Despite your many human failings, weaknesses and faults, you are persevering in the faith and bearing good fruit for Christ Jesus. At times you may not see your own fruit; at times you may not feel you are winning the race; at times you shall feel like shrivelling up and fading away - but yet you continue on. Praise God you do! Hallelujah! What a witness to the power of God the Spirit! (Psalm 1:1-3)
Figs: (Vs.12-14) The fig is, of course, a soft, pear-shaped, pulpy fruit. It is filled with tiny seeds; sweet to the taste; and full of juice. Probably all of us have had some figs at some time, perhaps as an after-dinner dessert.
Thus, it was such a refreshment the Lord Jesus hungered after in our chosen passage of Scripture reading for today. A living practical faith in God is what refreshes Christ the most - but He found only the fig-leaves of profession upon the hapless tree. Perhaps this is a reminder of the original sins of Eve and Adam in that perfect garden so very long ago. (Genesis 3:6-8)
False professors may seem to flourish in this life, but sadly, they shall perish when the Lord brings in the timeless era of Life Eternal. They shall be, “...hewn down and cast into the fire.”. What a waste of potential! (Luke 13:3)
Fruit: (Vs.15-19) Figs are fruitful in that they bear so many seeds. Consistent study of God’s Word fills the would-be fruitful Christian with the seeds of life, yeah indeed, the seeds of Life Eternal.
If, on the other hand, we are found to be just like the money-changers in today’s passage - using religious practice for wrong, selfish, ends - the Lord will utterly detest the bitter fruit that we bear and God’s Eternal curse upon sinfulness shall remain on us. God’s Way is perfect. “Ye must be born again!” (Luke 8:11) (1 Peter 1:23-25) (John 3:3-8) Hallelujah!
Faith: (Vs.20-24) Where does one find faith - faith to be saved; faith to be sanctified daily from sin; faith to be fruitful followers of Christ the Lord? (Romans 10:17)
indeed. By their fruits ye shall know
them. Good faith stems from sound
Scriptural doctrine and inspires an earnest attempt to practice such doctrine
in one’s life. Those who would be
fruitful are consistent in Bible studies, and in daily Christian practice - to
the very best of our ability. (1 Timothy
1:8-11) (2 Timothy 4:1-5)
Forgiveness: (Vs.25-26) Forgiveness is a fruit of Christian faith - faith to forgive is a gift to us from the Lord God.
However, we mere sinners cannot forgive sins! Only God can forgive sins. But we can be WILLING to forgive trespasses against us, IF the offender willingly and sincerely repents, and seeks our forgiveness! (Mark 2:7b) (Luke 17:3-5) (Matthew 18:15-17)
If we do not repent of our sins against God, God will not forgive us until we do. Therefore, fellowship with God will be broken by our sins. (Isaiah 59:1-2)
However, the moment we sincerely repent of our daily sins we find forgiveness from a compassionate Lord God. (1 John 1:6-10)
Similarly, the moment others seek our forgiveness for deeds done against us - NOT deeds committed against God - we must be willing to forgive them and to resume good relations, or fellowship, with them. (Matthew 6:14-15)
J.C. Ryle Comments:
“There was a voice in the fig-tree for all the branches of Christ’s visible Church in every age, and every part of the world. There was a warning against an empty profession of Christianity, unaccompanied by sound doctrine and holy living, which some of those branches would have done well to lay to heart. But above all there was a voice in that withered fig tree for all carnal, hypocritical, and false-hearted Christians. Well would it be for all who are content with a name to live while in reality they are dead, if they would only see their own faces in the glass of this passage.
“Let us take care that we each individually learn the lesson that this fig tree conveys. Let us always remember, that baptism, and church-membership, and reception of the Lord’s Supper, and a diligent use of the outward forms of Christianity, are not sufficient to save our souls. They are leaves, nothing but leaves, and without fruit will add to our condemnation. Like the fig leaves of which Adam and Eve made themselves garments, they will not hide the nakedness of our souls from the eye of an all-seeing God, or give us boldness when we stand before Him at the last day. No! we must bear fruit, or be lost for ever.
“There must be fruit in our hearts and fruit in our lives, the fruit of repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, and true holiness in our conversation (entire lifestyle). Without such fruits as these a profession of Christianity will only sink us lower into hell.” (J.C. Ryle’s Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Mark.)
Go to then, fruitful Christian, learn the lesson of the fig tree - bear good fruit; increase in faith; be ever willing to forgive those who sincerely repent. Become more like Christ Jesus.
God detests the fig-leaves of false religion - their fruits are not to His Holy
taste. (Matthew 7:18-20)
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